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Curriculum vitae

Alexander Chernitsky
Dr. Sciences (Biology)
Born 10 January 1950 in Leningrad, USSR
Male, married
In Israel from 28th of December 1994
Address: 5109/13 Eilat 8821118 e-mail: alexeilat@gmail.com
 1967 — 1972  Leningrad University
 Leningrad, Russia
 MSc., Specialization in Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology
 1970 — 1971  Leningrad Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology
 Leningrad, Russia
 Diving courses. Specialization in underwater photography and filming
(CMAS international certificate No 313073819)
Academic degrees
 1993  Dr. Sciences (Biology, Ichthyology)
 All-Russia Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow
 1983  Ph.D. (Biology, Physiology)
 Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry,
USSR Academy of Science, Leningrad
 Chemical methods of water and biological tissues analyses.
Biology and aquaculture of the salmonid fish: ecology, migrations, physiological
and biochemical methods of testing the status of reared fish.
Ecological physiology of anadromous and marine fish: adaptation to salinity and temperature.
Professional experience
 2005 — present  Health Officer, BioLab Ltd, Eilat
  Quality control and HACCP inspection.
 1998 — 2017  Chemical & Biological Lab. Manager, Red Sea Fish Pharm Ltd, Eilat
 Development and production of water quality test kits, aquarium supplements, artificial sea salt. Quality control and incoming inspection. Design and testing of aquarium filters.
Aquarium rearing of tropical and coral fish.
 1997  Technician, National Center for Mariculture, Eilat
 Maintenance of broodstocks of sea bream, sea bass, mullet and tilapia.
 1996 — 1997  Aquaculturist, Quality Fish Ltd., Ashdod
 Commercial rearing of sea bream, sea bass, red drum and tilapia in sea cages.
 1995 — 1996  Scientist, Desert Aquaculture Unit, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva
 Rearing of eel, cat fish, tilapia and carp in recirculation systems with fresh and brackish water. Design and testing of filters for recirculation systems.
 1983 — 1994  Chief Scientist, Head of the Department of Ichthyology, Institute of Marine Biology, Russia Academy of Science, Murmansk
 Ecology, Physiology, and Biochemistry of Arctic anadromous and marine fish.
 1972 — 1983  Scientist, Central Laboratory of Fish Stock Reproduction USSR Ministry of Fisheries, Leningrad
 Research of the Atlantic salmon. Improvement of salmon aquaculture methods.
Patents and publications
 61 papers, 1 patent USSR.
 Hebrew     good
English      fluent
Russian     mother tongue


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